Monday 18 July 2011


Throughout the Bible, there are amazing revelations of individuals, great and visionary leaders exemplifying God’s wisdom and principles on management of different system (business, teams, military, political, family, congregation etc). Today, people are often called upon to lead and to manage. But do these two activities mean the same thing? According to Warren Bennis and Brurt Nanus in “Leaders”, managers are people who do things right, but leaders are people who do the right thing. The difference also stands out in the activities of mastering routines and activities of vision and judgment.

An entrepreneur who started his or her own business must be visionary and also understand a day to day running of the business. So also an associate pastor in a large congregation or a hired manager in a big corporation must share and promote the vision of the Founder/CEO or risk losing the confidence of the congregation or the staff as the case applies.

One of the qualities of a great leader is the ability to grow into the roles of both being visionary even as he or she effectively understand and run the day to day operations of the business. While he or she may possess certain innate characteristics of leadership like commitment, dedication, passion for justice, he must also learn those elements of leadership and management on the job. How do you resolve conflicts in an organization and most especially in spiritual settings? How do you delegate authority without fear of unfaithfulness? What are the steps to creating rules, policies and procedures for smooth day-to-day system running?

The exemplary leadership style of Jesus is so wonderful in that He was able to rightly lead and manage His disciples who came from various backgrounds and social settings through principles that was not only in existence when He was on earth but also after His departure to heaven.

Let’s also take Moses for example, a rare leader who demonstrates leadership traits that are highly prized today. As we presently live in the information age, where facts evolves daily and global marketplace is constantly shifting beneath us, the skills Moses used to lead his people through the wilderness are extremely relevant: being flexible, quick response, sustaining the confidence of the people in uncertain times for over forty years and creating rules and policies that work for individuals from widely diverse background.

There is no doubt that if we understand his God lead techniques and principles (and also that of others), this knowledge can equally guide us through similar circumstances in our own wilderness.


i.                   Despite changes globally experienced in today’s business scene; learn the unchanging and undaunted biblical principles on management and administration.
ii.                 As the present 21st century begins to reveal flaws and imperfection in secular management principles, develop the required leadership spirit on how to perfectly sustain a system through the ageless wisdom of God’s Word.
iii.              To proffer adequate material for sustainable and progressive system in Christian bodies (i.e. Churches, fellowships, groups, ministries, mission networks etc), with biblical guidelines for human and resource management and such which equally aids good succession.
iv.              The end time wealth transfer as prophesied in the scriptures only establishes its root on management and administrative principles as found in the scriptures.
v.                 In developing godly foundation and holistic approach for business sanctity, and such that will flush out the monster of corruption and dishonesty eating up both the governmental and private systems.
vi.              In such a time like this where downsizing, mergers and increasing uncertainty besiege our market place, locate an invaluable scriptural resources for sustaining a satisfying balance between life and livelihood.

Therefore in a bid to fulfill part of our mission in empowering Christian leaders at various levels with the essential divine tools necessary for making global impact in this changing period of 21st century (Joel 3:9-13), we hereby wish to introduce a medium for sharing resources on CHRISTIAN LEADERS ON MANAGEMENT. We hope you will find this useful in your daily running of the divine assignment committed in your care. Thanking you for believing in our vision.

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