Thursday 21 July 2011


Unlike the secular system where the one with the best certificate takes it all, God’s principle of management defers in that it places more values on certain core character traits that lies at the heart of leadership. Honesty, faithfulness, integrity, compassion, courage and others may be considered more by God in placing people to a higher position than such individual’s technical skills or capabilities.

Without a doubt, the technical experience is certainly an essential element, but such can only be driven to a lasting productivity on the wheel of these core characters. When Moses expressed his fear that his authority will not be recognized due to those physical qualities he lacked, God knew that he already has the core character of meekness and compassion required for the position (Num. 12:2,3). I believe God chose this path due to the fact that it is easier enhancing a man’s technical skills than trying to build the required core characters in him.

Jesus started his ministry choosing Peter, Andrew, James and John who are all lay men found as fishermen at the coastline of Sea of Galilee (Luke 5:1-11, Act 4:13). He should have gone for scholars in the temple. As a manager, you are often in the position to encourage people to take on new challenges. When you see potential in others that they do not yet see in themselves, it can be just as difficult to broaden their views as it was to broaden you own, yet that is your job.

When God was persuading Gideon to take up the leadership position as a deliverer for Israel, He knew that all the man needed is to make him discover what his true identity is in relative to God program for Israel. (Judge 6:11-40). One of the qualities of good leadership is the ability to see far more than what ordinary eye can look. At his full momentum, Gideon’s initiative ability was sparked up. He was on in a full force in devising the extraordinary way of fighting the war using empty pitchers, trumpets, lamps and a loud shout (Judges 7:15-21). God only asked him to go, but the potential in him brought up the unique and amazing strategy to fight the battle. That I believe was what God saw in him in the beginning when He called him “a man of valor”!

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