Thursday 30 June 2011


It was a great moment in the presence of God during the training with the entire priests (Clergy School) at Anglican Diocese of Kontangora on 20th – 24th of June, 2011.

The training which was held at a camp (one of the Churches under the Diocese) in Salka town was of great and tremendous impact in the demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Course taken includes:
  • Cultivating Positive Attitude
  • Adminstration and Organization
  • Power of Loyalty
  • Minstering in Power
  • Commanding Influence
  • Personal Development
  • Power of Perseverance 
  • The Holy Spirit etc
We had a very warm reception from the host, God's servant Bishop Jonah Ibrahim and the wife Mrs. Jummai Ibrahim.

The followings are the photo chronicles of the event:

Pst. Joshua in one of the teaching sessions

Pst. Excel in one of the teaching sessions
Special Ministration and Empowerment
Special Ministration and Empowerment

Special Ministration and Empowerment

Cross-session of Clergy men at the Training

Cross-session of Clergy men at the Training
Unlimited Praise

Unlimited Praise

Time for Special Ministration and Empowerment

Group Photo with the Priests at the Training

Group Photo with the Priests at the Training

Group Photo with the Priests at the Training

Group Photo with the Priests at the Training
Church Service @ the Church

Church Service @ the Church

Officiating Priests @ the Service

Officiating Priests @ the Service

Host: Bishop & Mrs. Jonah Ibrahim
Group Photo of the Coordinators (Pst. Excel & Pst. Joshua) and the Host - Bishop & Mrs. Jonah Ibrahim


It was an awesome time in Kaduna State of Nigeria as JOEL International had a leadership training with the entire priests and wives at Anglican Missionary Diocese of Kwoi on 6th – 9th of September, 2010.

Some of the courses taken are:
  • Purpose and Vision
  • Power of Loyalty
  • Discovering Personal Identity
  • Understanding Ministry Structure
  • Attitude Cultivation and Management
  • Financing and Managing God's Project 
  • The Holy Spirit etc

The host is God’s servant, Bishop Zamani. 

The followings are the chronicles of the event:

Sunday Service @ the Church

Sunday Service @ the Church

Officiating Priests @ the Church

Group Photo of all the Clergy and wives along side with the Bishop and the Coordinators (Pst. Excel & Pst. Joshua)

Bishop Zamani (Bishop of Kwoi Missionary Diocese, Kwoi, Kaduna) and the Coordinators (Pst. Excel & Pst. Joshua)

Group Photo of all the Clergy and wives along side with the Bishop and the Coordinators (Pst. Excel & Pst. Joshua)

(From L-R) Mrs. Rock Odeka, Pst. Excel, Bishop Zamani, Pst. Joshua and Rev. Rock Odeka


JOEL International is a non denominational and nongovernmental Christian organization aimed towards awakening and preparing the Church for the last move before Christ's coming.

To prepare Ministers of God and Church Workers towards maximum realization of end-time harvest of souls for God’s Kingdom through the rekindling of the revival fire as of the beginning.

To service the existing Churches and Christian bodies through specialized seminars, workshops and leadership empowerment training resources such that addresses her spiritual and economic needs for exploits essential for this 21st century and thereby presenting the Church as a bride without blemish to Christ at His coming.

i.          To reawaken the Church towards the pursuit of her unique and universal purpose which once gave her indispensable global recognition and divine positioning. (Joel 2:15-18)

ii.         To empower and detail the Christian leaders at various levels the essentials divine tools necessary to make global impact in this changing period of the 21st century. (Joel 3:9-13)

iii.       To recover the lost glory of the Church through the rebuilding the foundation of sanctity such which has ever kept the gates of hell on the run. (Isa. 58:12, Mat. 16:18, Joel 2:25-26)

iv.        To restore order and right coordination such that aid divine protection, foster unity and promote love; thereby brings down the presence of God. (Joel 2:7-8)

v.         To bring to the Church awareness those important roles expected her this end time in preparation for the coming of the Bridegroom. (Mat. 25:1-4, Rev. 21:2-4)

vi.        To awaken the Church workers to their responsibilities as “Helpers of War” in their tireless, selfless and uncompromising service towards the prosperity of God’s kingdom and as a support to those placed in the position of authority. (Exo. 17:10-13, Zech. 1:17, Psalm 50:5,6)

vii.      To initiate the outpouring and the empowerment of the divers gifts of the Holy Spirit necessary for the end time exploits and also for the preservation of believers till the appearance of Christ. (Joel 2:28-29, Act. 2:17-21)

JOEL International is a synergy program of both Newwine Missions International Ghana and Zinwo Ministries International Nigeria

PHONE: +2348065303943 (Nigeria) +233540897170 (Ghana)